Saturday 9 March 2013

Paris....enough said!

I was a very lucky lady and got to spend a few in Paris over my birthday... mainly due to hubby having a meeting which then turned into a 3 day break. Well what can I say...any excuse.

Having been to Paris twice before when much younger I wasn't expecting to be blown away after all been there got the t- shirt as they say! How wrong I was. I had the luxury of a day on my own due to said meeting and it was just THE best day. Far too much walking and not enough eating even if I do say so myself but with so many beautiful things to see and photograph i just couldn't help myself. Some severe feet soaking was required after - just to give you the grim details as well as the good.

Taking soooo many pictures i can't cram them into one wouldn't do them or my poor feet any justice so ill be releasing them in stages plotting my Paris wander perfectly.

I left the metro at Concorde and walked through the gardens to the Louvre and managed to get some great shots especially as the weather was so lovely. I say lovely i mean dry and very sunny but flipping freezing! I didn't venture into the Louvre until the day after...and why would you want to when there are so many wonderful things outside. It's nothing personal Mona but when you're in A. Paris B.Its sunny and C. actually very quiet it's a no brainer!

Enough of my rambling...PHOTO's!

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